The Art of Model Rocketry 2018

Announcements of upcoming meetings, launches, and other special events.

The Art of Model Rocketry 2018

Postby stephen23648 » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:32 am

I was considering holding "The Art of Model Rocketry 2018" again and I am interested in suggestions as to what events to hold, who would be judges and what prizes to have.

So far, I thought of just having Sport Scale and Classic Model as the 2 events. We need judges and the judging takes about half of the day. We could also start judging at the library the week before so as to save time and have an art show there.

Joe at Godlewsky Farms has suggested providing some prizes and allowed us to get sponsors for more prizes. Perhaps some hobby shops or rocket companies could donate?

Since the NRC contests were started, there would be no NAR points and we could add to the rules to make the contest even better. I was thinking of adding a motor power in the HPR range, perhaps level 1 motors to the events for Senior Division.

I need input from interested people. If I do not hear of some interest, this meet may not happen at all.

Stephen Flynn, Contest Director
Posts: 496
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:33 pm

Re: The Art of Model Rocketry 2018

Postby stephen23648 » Sat May 26, 2018 3:11 pm

The Art of Model Rocketry is ON for June for a showing at our June 2 display at the NE Branch of the Warren Co Library followed by the contest on June 9. The contest is for NAR members but is not NAR contest sanctioned since it is not NRC.

Events (standard NAR events) for Division A and B age groups:
Sport Scale
Classic Model

Events - 1/8A through I motor for Divisions C and D:
Senior Sport Scale
Senior Classic Model

For the senior groups the models may be over 3.3 pounds and fly up to an I motor. Obviously, for Senior Classic Model, there were no standard Model Rockets in before 1990. This means you would be up-scaling a model of a model rocket.

Bring you entries early to the Library on June 2 for display from 10 AM to 12 PM. Entries to be displayed will be the first to get judged and launched on June 9.

Judges are Randy Ringer for Sport Scale and Steven Spencer for Classic Model.

Prizes - plants from Godlewsky Farms and medals for A and B division.
Posts: 496
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:33 pm

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