Mid Atlantic Open 2018 - NAR NRC Contest

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Mid Atlantic Open 2018 - NAR NRC Contest

Postby stephen23648 » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:56 am

The next rocket competition will be the Mid Atlantic Open 2018 at our April Launch. The launch is on the 3rd week of April to allow our members to go to the Red Glare launch in Maryland.

The contest will allow competitors to register their flights on the National Scorecard for the National Rocketry Competition to go for the national specialist awards.

At this time there is no local scoring for the events. The Contest Director is Jim Zindle. If anyone is interested establishing this with some kind of scoring and places, please contact me, Stephen Flynn, stephene23648@yahoo.com

The events for this contest (and all NRC contests):
C Egg Lofting Altitude
A Payload Altitude
A Streamer Duration
A Helicopter Duration
1/2A Parachute Duration
1/2A Boost Glide Duration

Please go to www.nar.org to find the rules located under "Contests".
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Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:33 pm

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