Mid Atlantic Open 2017 and The Art of Model Rocketry June 10

Announcements of upcoming meetings, launches, and other special events.

Mid Atlantic Open 2017 and The Art of Model Rocketry June 10

Postby stephen23648 » Sat May 27, 2017 8:04 am

Since the NAR Contest Year ends on June 30, we do not have many weekends left to fly both of our remaining NAR competitions, Mid-Atlantic Open and The Art of Model Rocketry. To make sure that we can fly both remaining meets, I can only can only conclude that both contests have to be flown on June 10 with possible rain dates of June 17 and June 24 (assuming these dates are approved for launches).

Here is the combined schedule - note that no part of this schedule affects competitors flying HPR motors. Also, any rocket that needs to be returned for judging may be returned after the flying closes or before 8 PM. Should a late return happen, the Contest Director may be contacted at 908-343-6830.

9 AM - 11 AM Setup,
Open Spot Landing,
Sport Scale and Classic Model turn-in for judging. If we don't have at least 2 models for judging in one of the events by 11 AM then
turn-in deadline will be extended for that event, not to exceed 2 PM or when the second turn-in happens.

11 AM End of Open Spot Landing flying. Random Altitude flying starts with the roll of dice to determine target altitude.

11 AM - Noon All Random Altitude flying occurs. Only one flight may be made for Random Altitude.

12 Noon - End of Random Altitude flying. Random Duration flying starts with the roll of dice to determine target duration. Flying of all other events starts. Modelers flying Random Duration have to fly that event before flying any of the remaining events.

12 Noon to end of launch - Random Duration followed by all remaining events. Sport Scale and Classic Model events my be flown when the model has completed static judging and a judge is available for the launch of the model.

See you there! Inquiries on this schedule may be made by calling the Contest Director at the number above.

Stephen Flynn, Contest Director
Posts: 496
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:33 pm

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