While we are waiting for the new date for the Mid-Atlantic Open 2017,
you can also prep for The Art of Model Rocketry to be held on our June 10 launch.
The Art of Model Rocketry showcases our abilities in craftsmanship. This year's events are:
Classic Model
Sport Scale
A Motor Rocket / Glider
All events have the same weighting factor of 20.
For Classic Model, you can search for old rocketry catalogs before 1990 that are found online.
One source is www.estesrockets.com/customer-service/full-catalog/
Color print the page containing the photo of the rocket you are modeling and submit it as substantiation data for your model when you hand over your model for judging. Of course more substantiation data may also be provided.
For Sport Scale there is data available from NARTS and good data may also be found in the book "Rockets of the World" by Peter Alway.
For Rocket Glider, please search the Web for Rocket/Glider designs. Boost/Gliders are not accepted because R/G's may not eject their engine pods.
Good Luck!
Stephen E Flynn, Contest Director