Mid Atlantic Open 2017

Announcements of upcoming meetings, launches, and other special events.

Mid Atlantic Open 2017

Postby stephen23648 » Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:58 am

The Mid Atlantic Open Meet 2017 will be held on May 13

It will be a great day for all NAR members to try out NAR competitions with the following events:

Random Duration
Random Altitude (altimeter)
A Boost Glider Duration
A Flexwing Duration
Open Spot Landing

Note that it is the 2nd to last contest in this contest year, and the third to last contest where many of these events will be held.

There are trophies and medals for A Division contestants.

Feel free to practice for these events at our extra April 29 launch.

Stephen Flynn, Contest Director
Posts: 496
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:33 pm

Re: Mid Atlantic Open 2017

Postby stephen23648 » Tue May 09, 2017 6:41 pm

The following Mid Atlantic Open schedule does not affect any HPR flying by contest competitors.

This year we will have to schedule 3 of the events in sequence to prevent practice flights. Spot Landing ends when the random duration is determined. Random duration ends when the random altitude is chosen.

1. Open Spot Landing - ends in the morning - tentatively 11:30 AM

2. Random Duration - starts in the morning at around 11:30 and runs until around 1 PM

3. Random Altitude (altimeter) - starts around 1 PM and must be flown before the glider duration events

4. A Boost Glider Duration
A Flexwing Duration
Both can fly any time after a contestant's Random flights are done.

Stephen Flynn Contest Director
Posts: 496
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:33 pm

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