The club’s primary launch site is located on Godlewsky Farms in Great Meadows, NJ. This launch site can accommodate high power launches. A waiver to 5000′ AGL will be in effect at most launches on the farm. In compliance with FAA regulations and the NAR High Power Safety Code, significant cloud cover and other adverse conditions may result in lower operating flight ceilings. Be sure to check the website and forums in advance of a scheduled launch for any anticipated changes.
All high power launches are conducted in accordance with the NAR High Power Safety Code. Appropriate NAR or TRA certifications are required to fly any motor >80N average thrust or >160N-s total impulse. Being a NAR sanctioned club we unfortunately can not allow non-commercial (EX) motors at our launches.
All rockets will be subject to a pre-flight check by a designated Range Safety Officer (RSO). The soundness of the rocket’s construction and its thrust to weight ratio will be among the key safety values evaluated. The RSO retains the final GO/NO-GO decision for any rocket.
The club is still building out its high power launch capabilities. Due to capacity limits on our interim high power rails and pads, the RSO may limit the weight and impulse of some rockets. A general rule of thumb would be rockets under 25 pounds and motors up to K impulse. Rockets exceeding these limits will be evaluated on a case by case basis. If you have your own pad capable of handling a larger rocket, you are welcome to bring it. Use of such gear will need to be coordinated with the RSO on launch day.
Our current launch gear includes 6 and 8 foot 1010 rails and 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch rods. We will be expanding this capability as time progresses.
Due to the amount of vegetation in the area, there may be days when it is deemed too dry to safely fly sparky motors. This will be evaluated based on ground conditions on launch day. To maximize your enjoyment at the field, please build some flexibility into your flight plans to accommodate the possibility of such prohibitions.
Range fees:
Mid / High Power – A nominal fee of $10 per day will be collected from each club member flying a rocket (F impulse and greater) on the mid/high power range. Guests of the club can fly under a 1 day guest membership for $20. Mid/High Power access also includes access to the low power range.
Low Power – A nominal fee of $2 per day will be collected from each rocket family flying rockets from the low power launch rack. This applies to anyone flying a rocket on a motor sized 1/4A through E.
These nominal fees help cover key items such as our club’s access to the land we launch from, as well as maintenance and enhancement of our launch capabilities.
Donations are always welcome!
High Power Certifications:
Our club can support NAR Level 1, Jr Level 1 and Level 2 certification attempts at any of our launches. NAR Level 2 written tests are available and can be administered at any of our club meetings or launches.