Range Rules

Safety Guidelines:
  1. Any rocketeer planning to fly a High Power flight must present, or have already on file, proof of current NAR or Tripoli certification to fly motors at the impulse level they are desiring to fly.
  2. No flight shall be permitted which will be at risk of exceeding the 5000 foot limit stipulated by our current FAA waiver.    Rockets which have not been previously flown, or for which actual past performance data can not be reasonably assessed, may be further limited to ensure compliance with our altitude limits.
  3. All flights and range operations will be conducted in full compliance with the applicable NAR safety code.
  4. We are a NAR affiliated organization.   Only commercial motors are permitted.   Sorry,  no experimental or research motors may be flown.   No exceptions.
  5. All rockets fly at the discretion of the Range Safety Officer (RSO).  All flights must adhere to a minimum 5:1 thrust to weight ratio at lift-off.
  6. All rocketeers must fill out a flight card for each rocket to be flown indicating at minimum the motors being used, recovery systems employed and expected altitude.
  7. Igniters, for all but low power rockets, shall be inserted only at the pad.   Electronics controlling flight events such as deployments or motor ignition shall be armed only at the pad.
  8. Sparky motors are permitted at most launches, but subject to restrictions or prohibitions on launch day, depending on ground conditions.
  9. Range size and safety dictate the following constraints on rocket size and impulse.   No rocket shall exceed 25 pounds in weight or be flown on a motor of greater than K impulse.   Any special projects outside of these ranges must be reviewed and approved by the Board before flight.
  10. The possible trajectory of all flights shall be assessed before launch and consider potential landing zones in the event of flight failures, including ballistic recoveries.   All potential landing zones shall be certain to exclude any active points on the property, including the spectator area and business end of the farm.   No flights shall be directed such that in the event of failure their trajectory will carry them off of farm property.   Flights not able to adhere to these constraints shall not be permitted to fly.
  11. All participants shall follow the directions of the Launch Control Officer (LCO).    No one shall enter the range until given the clear to do so by the LCO.
  12. In the event a flight presents an unexpected in-flight risk to the spectator area, the LCO will announce a “Heads up!”.   Please be sure you and your guests remain alert at all times for any such announcements.  In the event a “Heads up!” is called, if you see the rocket, point to it so others know where it is.   If you don’t see it, take notice of where others might be pointing.   Move away from, not towards, any potential point of recovery.
  13. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.  All children along and in the immediate vicinity of the flight line must be under the supervision of an adult who is responsible for their safety. (i.e. Someone making sure that kids who are playing, pay attention when a large rocket is flown or a heads-up situation occurs)
Other Guidelines:
  1. A non club member wishing to fly HP (H-K motors) with us is welcome; there will be a $20 non member HP range fee, after this introduction to the club, membership is required.
  2. No alcoholic beverages or mind altering substances of any kind will be tolerated. This is a rocket launch, that has inherent risk; you are responsible for your own safety, Keep your wits about you at all times.
  3. Pets must be on a leash at all times.   You must clean up after your pets.
  4. We are guests of this gracious land owner, as a club we have a zero tolerance for leaving even the smallest trash anywhere on the field.
  5. This field is for club sanctioned launches only.  If the Radical Rocketeers BOD is not aware, you do not belong on this field.
  6. When walking the fields be mindful of the crops.    Please walk along the side of planted areas until you spot your rocket, and only then walk in to your rocket, doing all possible to avoid impact to planted crops.  Each plant damaged in our recovery attempts are dollars taken out of the landowner’s pocket.
  7. Make no recovery attempt that would be out of the ordinary.    (i.e. the roof of a barn, any power lines, or off farm property.)   Get a club Board member to assist.    If your recovery will take you onto a neighboring property, or you are unsure if it will, bring a Board member with you.
  8. Parking allowed on the field will be along the irrigation ditch, perpendicular to the irrigation ditch, most day’s there’s plenty of room, no need to crowd. On the occasion it is necessary you may park on the opposite side of the road at the barn but do not block the road.
  9. Speed limit is 5 mph at all times.
  10. Bathrooms ( porta johns ) are located down the road by the greenhouses, use them.
  11. Biodegradable wadding ( dog barf ) breaks down quickly and doesn’t make such an eyesore as Estes sheets of recovery wadding blowing around the field do. We encourage its use, though any flameproof wadding, including Estes, is acceptable.
  12. Have Fun!

Note:  All participants at a Radical Rocketeers launch, their guests and all spectators are bound to comply with the aforementioned Range Rules.   They are in place to maximize safety and order during launches.   Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated!

Your Safety:  Rocket launches, while statistically a safe and fun experience for all ages, do include inherent risks.    You assume those risks when attending a launch.    If you have any questions about the risks involved, the steps and methods in place to mitigate those risks, your role and responsibilities relative to those risks, or any other aspect of your experience while participating or spectating at a Radical Rocketeers event, it is your obligation to consult with any of the Board members at the event for more information and guidance.